Wednesday 11 February 2015

What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos

What Are Baby Animals Called Biography


On the threshold of the Easter one can ask: the Easter bunnies, are they a rabbits or hares? Sadly many people do not know the difference between these two animals. Even though those creatures look the same, in fact they belong to absolutely different species. It may sound improbable but those kinds of mammals have more differences than similarities: they are born differently, they behavior and style of life are totally different, they even prefer different food!

The difference between rabbits and hares appears at the moment they are born. First of all baby-rabbits are called kittens, while baby-hares are called leverets. Rabbits are born completely helpless, naked and blind . Hares are born fully furred, able to see and capable of independent movement). In fact hares can live on their own after one hour from they birth! Therefore their mothers feel free to leave them on the bare ground and hop away soon after the baby is born. Rabbit's mothers are much more careful and protective to their children: their line a nest with grass, bark and soft stems. Over this, they place a layer of hair plucked from their own bodies. When rabbit-mother leaves the nest, she covers the bunnies with more hair and dead plants to keep them warm and hidden from enemies.

Hares are generally larger, and have longer hind legs then rabbits and longer ears with characteristic black markings. The skulls of rabbits and hares are also different. Rabbit's fur coat remains its color year-round, while hares change color from grayish brown in summer to white in winter.

Rabbits and hares have different diets. If rabbits prefer soft stems, grass or vegetables, hares eat more hard food: bark and rind, buds, small twigs and shoot.

Rabbits usually live in burrows or tunnels in the ground, where they prefer to stay during daylight hours. They try to keep hidden. Hares on the other hand, always stay on the surface among plants and usually try to escape enemies by running.

Rabbits are very social animals; they live in colonies. Male rabbits even fight within a group to become the dominant male. The dominant male rabbit then mates with most of the females in the area. In opposite, hares live most of the time by themselves. They come together in pairs for mating only. There is almost no fighting among hares - they just pair off.

It is amazing that the nature has created such different animals to look the same. But now we know the difference between them and will not be deceived anymore by those tricky long-eared creatures.

A baby cow is called a calf. Adult male cows are called bulls. Adult female cows are called heifers until they give birth; after they have given birth, they are called cows.
Both male and female cows are born with horns. Calves are usually 75 to 95 pounds at birth. They are weaned from their mother when they are between 7 and 9 months old, when they weigh between 400 and 600 pounds.

A baby sheep is called a lamb. A lamb is defined as a sheep that is less than 14 months old. Adult sheep are called rams if they are male and ewes if they are female.
Sheep are raised by farmers for their meat (lamb and mutton), wool and milk. In addition, sheep fat has been used to make wax and candles. There is evidence that humans have been using wool from sheep as far back as 10,000 B.C. Sheep can be found throughout the United States with the highest numbers in the states of Wyoming, Texas and California. However, the largest world exporters of lamb and mutton are Australia and New Zealand.

A baby horse is called a foal, with gender-specific names being colt for a male and filly for a female. Foals that are still nursing are sometimes called sucklings, and a weanlings after the nursing period ends
When a foal reaches 1 year old it is called a yearling. When a horse reaches its second birthday, it is typically referred to by its adult name: mare for females and stallion for males.
Baby horses are often mistakenly called ponies, but this is incorrect. Pony is the name given to horses that are small in size but are still full-grown. Ponies can be ridden, while foals cannot.

What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos
What Are Baby Animals Called Baby Animals Pictures Wallpaper With Their Mothers Names Clipart Coloring Pages Cute Cartoon Photos

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